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Natural & mechanical smoke extraction

The smoke brings death! In order to avoid this circumstance, not only fire alarm systems or home smoke detectors in the private sector help, but we also have to ensure that the dangerous smoke can leave our escape and rescue routes as quickly as possible, especially in larger projects.

Smoke detector as a lifesaver

The use of smoke detectors significantly reduces the number of fire deaths.

fire deaths


Great Britain

- 40%

- 40%


- 50%


Households with smoke detectors





80 percent of all fire victims do not burn - they suffocate from the resulting toxic smoke. This sad realization applies to fires in private homes as well as to large-scale disasters, e.g. B. in Düsseldorf Airport in 1996, where all 17 fatalities succumbed to smoke inhalation.

Made from only 10 kg of paper  or cardboard will be about 8,000  up to 10,000 m³ of flue gas released. A wastepaper basket fire quickly fills an office space with smoke; from wall to wall, from ceiling to floor.

About 20,000 m³ of smoke gas are released from just 10 kg of foam rubber.

A burning car releases around 100,000 m³ of smoke gas, and a burning refrigerator releases almost 2 m³ of smoke gas per second.

In the event of a fire, the smoke is the biggest problem for the people in the building and for the fire brigade. The consequences are dramatic: Within less than three minutes, the smoke produced by the fire usually reduces visibility to such an extent that those affected lose their orientation and can no longer get in  can bring security. The rapidly increasing concentration of the gas carbon monoxide (CO) makes matters worse.

This increases rapidly in the course of the fire and leads from headaches to increasing symptoms of poisoning and unconsciousness to death.

The first thing people usually associate with a fire is curiosity, not fear. Look and be amazed instead of running away and alarming is often the motto.

The second phenomenon is a lack of respect for the spread of heat and the destructive power of fire. The third phenomenon is the complete ignorance that the smoke from the fire is spreading rapidly and within a few minutes all escape, rescue and fire-fighting routes are blocked. The fourth  Phenomenon lies in the misconception that there is enough time in the event of a fire.

Methods of smoke extraction:

Dilute, wall or roof openings with 24V electric openers


  • simple operation, suitable for ventilation



  • No instruction required

  • push in the disc

  • Press button



  • instructed person

Werdin Rauchabzug 4.png

Opening for smoke evacuation in stairwells

Werdin Rauchabzug1.png

window in the outer wall

  • installed as high as possible

Werdin Rauchabzug2.png

Window (light dome) in the flat roof


Werdin Rauchabzug3.png

window in the pitched roof

  • installed as high as possible

Photos: excerpt from vfdb presentation)


As a rule, according to state building regulations, stairwells with more than 4 storeys are to be equipped with SHEV systems. However, as is so often the case, there are exceptions that should then be included in a fire protection certificate.

Mechanical smoke extraction is usually used for interior rooms, i.e. for rooms and areas where there are no windows or doors for "smoke extraction".

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